Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Time for a nap!
Both Yaffa and Sebastian have been pretty much on edge ever since we brought home Dante. Dante went to the vet yesterday, and we are still waiting to hear back from the doctor about the various test results they did on him. They drew blood, and they gave him a bunch of vaccine shots. Dante still also needs to get neutered as well. The doctor said that she didn't want to do this procedure until after he has had two rounds of shots! Has anyone heard of this before? Two rounds of shots seems overly cautious to me, especially since he's not a stray but has been a house cat since birth. I'm hoping that once he gets fixed, he will calm down a bit. Right now, he's very energetic and wants to literally jump and attack Yaffa and Sebastian everytime he sees them. I've never seen anything like it. He runs right up to them and goes into attack mode. However, we intervene him by picking up before he can fully charge at the other two cats. Also, they are not allowed to come close to one another until we find out his test results and until after he finishes his de-wormer medicine. The doctor says he probably does not have worms, but we don't want to take any chances. So he's on medication right now to kill any just in case. Finally, yesterday, Sebastian was able to relax and take a nap on the couch. Lately, with the new kitty, he's been really on alert, in case he gets a pounce from Dante. Poor Sebastian, hopefully the new cat will calm down and get along with all of them soon.
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You guys deserve a nice sunbeam nap for sure!
Hope Dante settles down soon!
Purrs Goldie and Shade
dante does sound like quite the handful.
I hope that Yaffa and Sebastian are able to relax a little and that Dante will start to fit in. I think you are right about him calming down once he's fixed. The biting seems like a learned behavior, and a squirt bottle with water may work to break that. Good luck. I'm sure they'll all acclimate soon.
Well, my vet never says that so many rounds of shots are needed before the operation. Hmm... As for the rowdy and rambunctious behaviour, I have been through this so many times - introducing a new resident to the household. Sometimes it is smooth, usually not, but eventually things settle down. However, not a day goes by that I don't yell at Timmy for ambushing Dito, or at Manitou for spooking Longfellow. C'est la vie avec le chats (that's life with cats!). Best wishes to you.
I didn't know he wasn't fixed, I'm sure once he's fixed things will settle down a lot!!
oh you have got a new bitey Meezer too! so have we! our has a silly name though 'Timmy' !!! Not as cool as Dante. Cos Timmy is old he will keep his name, he came ready-made :)
I think Dante and Toeshee need a playdate! ;) It's the same story here. Toeshee leaves Billie alone and Cricket will put him in his place. But, poor Cody gets jumped and bitten constantly! I have to separate them, time out Toeshee, or squirt Toeshee with the "holy water".
Usually all 3 methods are used several times a day! I hope both of our naughty boys calm down with time.
Toeshee needed a few shots and a de-worming before his hoohaectomy too. They gave him the rabies shot when he was under the anesthesia.
I'm glad Yaffa got to chill for a bit and I hope he and Sebastian can get used to Dante.
Hugs and Purrs to you all,
We are hoping everyone adjusts soon. I don't have cats so we dont know about waiting to get fixed. :(
Wow! I didn't realize I hadn't visited in a while. I didn't know there was a new kitty in the household. I hope he adjusts soon and stops being so aggressive.
You are totally konked out. Hope everyone settles down soon.
2 rounds of shot? Once after another over after 1 month?
Mmm....I thought only kittens get 2 shots. When I adopted Pepper (she was a 10-mth old stray), the vet only gave her 1 shot.
"Wow" Dante sounds like a handful.
He'll calm down once he's fixed :)
Poor Sebastian! But look at that magnificent paw position!
Huffle Mawson
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