He was so intent, staring it down.

Can you see it in the corner??

Look closely.

It's a moth!! Click on the image to view bigger!

It was a gigantic moth, although it doesn't look like that in the photo. But it was really big. Sebastian spent like 10 minutes playing with the moth without killing it. He would put his paw on it, then let it go, then put his paw on it. I didn't let him play with it too long, because I know that some bugs are dangerous to little kitties. I must confess, I did kill the moth afterwards. It was so gross. And it freaked me out being in the house. I usually catch bugs alive and throw it outside the window, but this one had big wings, and was gross, and I had a hard time catching it. So I squished it. :(
Ew... I dont like flying bugs too
~ Girl girl
That looks like a dusty miller moth. They are a little chunky.
Good job wranglin' him in, Sebastian!
Playing with bugs and moths is sooo much fun! But usually I am also just taking them away after a while because I really don't want to have them in the house ;-)
BARK! Mommy hates those big bugs too. Our furry Spike (who went away last year) used to be intrigued with those big bugs too. As for me, I prefer the little black ones that make that annoying noise. They are even yummy when they arent moving anymore. Mommy hates when I spit them back up.
BARK! Sasha the Princess
I do not like moths because they leave dust all over.
Ewwwwwwwwww. Dat's kinda big huh? We eats da little moffs. Try 'em. Dey tickle goin down.
I think you made a wise decision for not letting Sebastian eat the big moth! You won't know what virus they can bring!
You are very brave~!!!
I like seeing you doing to that flying bugs!
Heh...Gizmo and Bentley just LOVE stalking moths! I didn't know they can make them sick....good to know.
Echo wuz hunting a grate big fly yesturday. It wuz making lotsa buzzy sounds. Then Daddy went in and stole Echo's kill.
Echo still aint talkin to Daddy.
Louie does that with toads but he has found out that they make him foam at the mouth. The spit just runs out. When will he ever learn. Toads do NOT taste good..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
How cool! I love moths or any kind of bug. I bet you had fun with it!
Oh, and thanks for letting me know what kind of doggie that was in my post about the goat herder.....we could not figure it out!
I play wif dem bugs alla time. An when i catch an kill one, if mommeh sees meh, i get a treat for bein a good hunter. :)
What cute photos! That will teach the bug from bothering you, we sure hope you showed him who the boss is.
I think you visited my place, Sassy's, the other day and I wanted to stop over for a quick visit. I hope I am at the right place. It will be fun getting to know you better. This looks like a fun blog.
Sassy & Momo
Sebastian is a good hunter! Moths can bite and cause skin irritation, so it was a good idea to get it away. Mom's have good instinct! Lavender sachets will repel them if there's more. We had a problem with them before. Ick!
I had forgotten how active kittens are. Toeshee is into everything! I'm tired just watching him. Were your kitties so hyper when they were little? :)
See you soon!
Hugs and Purrs,
sebastian can have a moth, mr. whiskers has a spider!
smiles, bee
I love playing with moths but I haven't seen one that big.
Purrs, Sukie x
Good job with the moth, Sebastian! My mom's even afraid to squish 'em.
- Charlie
I like to catch bugs too! Why do the mombeans always wanna take them away. Bummer.
Wow, we are very impressed with your hunting ability, Sebastian! :) Very cool!
Dennis says always get rid of the moths, since they will eat holes in your winter woolies. Dennis used to swat and eat flies, very meaty. But then he lost the taste for them.
I love bugs--particularly invisible ones!
And I am looking closely at why I am not still not having your blog update for me...
moths are sooo annoying!
Ewww my mom hates bugs she would have squished it too.
I loves catching bugs too! Although most of the bugs that the Giant Kitty told me tastes nice have got a funny taste! I wonder about those bugs that the Giant Kitty told me are not nice and he noms them up for me. They must taste even horrider!
Jan is going, Euuuuuuu! But the rest of us are wondering why. Bugs are fun.
purrs and tail wags
The kitty who came before our 3 now LOVED to hunt down and eat moths. She never suffered any ill effects from them. Now Sunny likes to hunt them down but I've never seen him eat one. He prefers to play with them.
I don't blame you for killing it. I am not fond of any kind of bugs inside the house.
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