It's been so incredibly hot and humid here lately. The heat is really unbearable. It's 87 degrees today, with the humidity really climbing. Oh my hot! Poor kitties have been way hot too. We have the ceiling fans on constantly. But what the kitties really love is A-I-R CONDITIONING. Whenever its on, Sebastian kitty jumps up on the bed and sits right in front of it. He really likes the cold air hitting his furry face. What a funny kitty he is! Funny, but very smart!
We can't take off the fur coats we have been given. Sure we like cooler air.
We love our air conditioning too. It is great to lay in front of when it is hot outside.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
We wish we had air--we are just stretching out in front of the fans.
Sebastian shows he's a clever fellow and one cool cat.
Sebastian is so cute! Target and Au like the fans around the house but the time we tested the air con to make sure it's still working OK, they ran away!
It is not here too. Glad you have the A/C to keep you cool. My sister Misty likes to lay on our glass table to stay cool.
We posted a video on our blog where we are yelling at a cat. Its not personal I promise :)
I think maybe Mommi is a cat,she can't take this heat eithew..she just melts..I'm so glad you found a nice way to stay cool
love and smoochie kisses
You've got the right idea!! Sweet pic.
Purrs Shade and Goldie
my boyz prefer fresh air but they are mighty unhappy when it's muggy in the house and I don't have the air on...
Oh, hot in the city! Ick! We have only had a few warm days so far. The big kitties know when to rest, but Toeshee will run until he's panting! I have actually had to grab him, hold him still and take him to his water dish. Maybe some day he will be as smart as Sebastian. :)
Keep Cool Mom and Kitties!
Hugs and Purrs,
We don't love the AC machine, but we do love our fans. Jake lays in the bed and just lets his floof fly!
Sebastian is smart! Sunny lays in the middle of the room on his back.
I wove air conditioning too but mine Mummy seldom switches it on even though it's wike a sauna over here. Gosh...she should wear our fur coats for a day and see how she wikes it!
I like it so cold I have to curl up on my purple blankie to get cozy.
Hahahaha... The Spice Cats, especially Sesame and Ginger, absolutely LOVES air-conditioning as well. And the fan too!
Sometimes I wish we would also have an AC, but just sometimes... :-) The cats sleep in the bathroom during the day now because it's too hot.
We dont haf air condidhioning cos it nefer gets that hot here. I lay on my back in the gardin when there is breese so my tummy firs get blowed about
A/C is good :) So far we have not had to use it. All that salt water aroung us must be helping,heehee
It is getting warmer though ;)
Purrs Mickey
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