Sorry everyone for the delay in the posting. With my birthday this weekend, we were so busy with a flurry of activities. I'll post those pictures another time! Here is the answer to the Guess the farm animal. It's a Rooster & two Hens!! These chickens are free-range chickens and organic. They are allowed to roam the farm as they please, and also they eat organic corn and grain. These chickens are super healthy, and each chicken on average lays one egg everyday. I had so much fun collecting eggs everyday. There were usually 1 dozen laid eggs a day. What I thought was so neat is that some chickens lay brown eggs, and some lay white eggs. There are actually no nutritional difference between the eggs even though they are different colors. However, where we live, they always sell brown eggs for more money, even though brown eggs doesn't mean it's more healthy. Its all a marketing ploy. I never knew that before, how annoying!
Happy June to all!!
All I can see are two REALLY BIG FEV-VER BALLS, and the potential of some really little fev-ver balls! Yum!
There beautiful I never knew that about eggs either.
My Mommie always buys eggs that are labeled "from Free-Range" chickens. I hope that is true. You never know!
Oh it's chickeez!! How furry intursting! Mawmee onlee eats brown - Free Range cuz da white ones makes hur sick.
Tanks fur comin to see the whole gang and weze glad you like da movee postur!! Mites bee awhile fur she makes dat movee...
As soon as weze moved den weze workin on The Daisy Deli Episode: Wheres de Turkey.
Purrs and Hugs,
Katie Too.
Those chickens are very cool! :) (We knew about eggs, as our mom has studied nutrition.)
oh my Bast. Those chickens look very tasty, um, I mean healthy, which means they have lotsa chicken meat on them. mmmm chicken....
We only buy free range eggs and meat.
Good to know about the eggs - our Mommy has always bought brown eggs cause she thought they were better!
Those chick-hens sure look tasty, I mean nice!
Hmmm, chick-hens look better when Grampy grill them. Yummy! Mom doesn't care what color her eggs are, not that she eats that many.
I bet you have some kitties that would love to chase those chickens! :) Your farm visit sounds like it was really fun.
Hugs and Purrs,
Those free range chickens are very pretty.
Dennis thinks some eggs went into a birthday cake --hope you had a happy Birthday!
hope you had a nice birthday.
Oh wow! The rooster and hens are so pretty. And that's interesting about the brown eggs!
Things went well at the vet, I'm happy to say. :) Thank you so much for your thoughts and purrs for me!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Nice chickens.
Cock a doodle doo to you too! Great pics. My mom and I looked up on the internet about roosters for our last post and found out that the white hens lay white eggs and the others usually lay brown like in your post. Cool, huh?
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