When we were at the farm, these chicks and ducklings just hatched about a week and 1/2 prior. How cute are they? The eggs were in an incubator until they hatched. The chicks that are hens will grow up to be very good egg layers. They are so soft its amazing. Its because they don't have feathers yet. I really wanted to take one home to Brooklyn. But that is not allowed unfortunately. :(
There are so so cute!
Oh they are so cute....
I want one too
~ Girl girl
They look fun to play with, too! I wish I could feel their soft downy hair.
I have a feeling the kitties would think they were kitty toys. :)
Baby chics are so very cute.
I saw you over at Stormie's blog. It's very sad to say good bye to such a brave kitty. It's comforting though to have blogging friends at times like this. We all seem to understand.
Big Hugs Today!
Oh they are sooo cute (they do look kind of tasty though)!
I'd like to chase one.
So cute! Love them, and I would want to take one home too.
ise just wanted to come and say goodbye to you...thank you for being a good friend, sending me words of encouragement, purrs and love...i hope you live a long and happy and healthy life...
your Stormie, The Furry Fighter
Oh wowie kazowie, they are adorabble!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Mmmm...Fuzzy Peepers...
Oh, how cute. They don't kill the male chicks, do they?
purrs and tail wags
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