Thank you for all the guesses. Most of you guessed correctly! It is a goat! His name is Boots. And he is such an amazing animal! When you call Boots name, he comes to you. He loves to eat grass, and hay. He also likes to take walks on his leash. Look at his smile! Cute as a button!
i think he's adorable! i had a friend with a pet goat and it was a sweet guy!
Boots is very cute!
A billy goat gruff! I should have guessed turkey earlier...I love their beautiful feathers on the brown birds.
WOW you guys live in Brooklyn!!?!?! How lucky for you! Mommy wants to come to New York and sail out of Brooklyn on a big ship but she is very afraid of the big bad city. Does it really take 90 minutes to drive 20 miles from JFK? Gosh, she is such a country mouse isn't she...no backbone.
Go Yankees!
Love from Miss Peach
Cool picture of Boots! We just took our grandson to a zoo and there were variations of goats there...he didn't want to pet any of them though
Oh we're so bad at this game, though we might have had a chance on this one!
Boots is very cute! I bet he is a good friend too.
Some of my best friends (Bob and Patrick) are goats!
oh we guessed wrong again.. Mom actually grew up on a farm. I guess she has been away to long..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
Boots is a really cute little guy. How sweet that he comes when he's called. :)
I hope you are having a great beginning to the week!
What a cute goat Boots is!
Purrrrrrs, Willow
That really is a cute goat. :)
~ Girl girl
Aww, Boots is really a handsome goat! I should take care not to miss another round of your great game...
I love all your animal pictures!
This is a cute goat. And we comment here at this old post instead of the new one because we have not the slightest idea what it is that you have pictured there and we don't want to look like real dummies..... HAHAHAHAHHA. No, I am serious!
P.S. Don't forget to go to our wedding reception blog and post your picture!
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