We had some amazing guesses for the "Guess this Farm Animal #2". One of the funniest guesses came from Zevo Calamari who guessed "Zebra, Ostrich, & Dick Cheney". We laughed out loud at that answer, LOL. We had a lot of close guesses, ducks, chicken, rooster, but the photo was TURKEYS!!! Gobble, gobble. Surprisingly, no one guessed Turkey. These turkeys are especially aggressive. When you go in the pen with them to feed them, they come right at you, with the feathers all puffed up and starts pecking at you and chasing you. Thank you all for all the great guesses. Tune in Tuesday for the next Guess the Farm Animal.
Oh.. can't wait to guess the next animal. ;)
~ Girl girl
i definitely would not want to be around a mad turkey!
I don't think I'd like agressive turkeys.
I hope your mom bean had a great Mother's Day.
Dennis loves a good hot open faced turkey sandwich!
This is really an awesome game! Will sure be back tomorrow for the next round :)
Turkeys sound very mean. Maybe it's because they taste so delicious.
We knew it was a turkey. Mmmm they are mighty tasty...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
My husband used to vacinate turkeys at a poultry farm and he said they are kinda dumb. ;) If they see the color red they get very aggressive and they have bad tempers. I feel a bit sorry for them though. But, like Daisy said, the kitties think they're delicious. ;0 "nom, nom"
I guessed turkey! I just had a feelin'
Is that your Thanksgiving dinner getting made fatter for you?
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