So the cats have been mad at me for not blogging about them this week. "What's with all the pictures about the farm animals mom? Sheesh!" Sorry Kitties, I said, mommy wanted to show all our friends all the cool things we saw on the family farm. Ok, I'll switch back to devoting my writing to you two. Here is a photo I caught of Yaffa when I came home from work the other day. She was taking a nap on our bed. When I saw her, I let out a chuckle, because I have never seen her sleep in that position before. Is that comfortable??
Visit the friday ark!
that looks like an awesome nap position. may i try it...or have you patented it?
Thanks for visiting me. You have demanding kitties! That horse is gorgeous +++++++. My SS loves horses. She is going to make her acquaintance with the famous Kazahk horses in a few weeks and she is so looking forward to it!
Whoa-that's one wild sleeping posishun, yaffa. We prefur the currled up yoga ball owrselves, but wure always up to try something new!
Yaffa looks like she's doing yoga.. :)
~ Girl girl
that's an amazing nap position. looks like someone is vulnerable to a belly rub.
Hehe, that looks very comfortable! Your tail looks awesome in that position!
According to my cats, it's very comfortable :-)
Yaffa, that is a Full Monty with a twist!
I love cats!!
this is a good sleeping position. I think Yaffa was flying here... Super Kitty!
Sam the Amazing sleeps in that position all the time! When he isn't sleeping full on his back with paws akimbo, snoring quite loudly!
I always consider it quite kind of him to allow me a (very small) portion of the queen-sized bed!
She looks so comfy.. Our cats are always sleeping like that to until we find them...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
One's beans must not be allowed to slack off or let down, not for a single minute. I you allow that, the next thing you know, your dinner will be late.
Hahahaha! Great shot. Looks comfy too.
A weekday nap sounds really nice. Maybe we should have done that on our exceptionally hot afternoons this past week.
that looks like something the doofus would do, then he would slide right off the bed. believe me, its happened before!
Oh I wish I could stretch like kitties do! You look completely out Yaffa! :)
Mommy enjoyed all the post about the farm animals. She misses having a horse. ~Scylla, Charybdis & Socks
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