Whenever we did laundry we always noticed that some of our clothes had a ton of cat hair on it. We really did not think twice about it, because after all, we do live with 2 cats, and you expect cat hair to be on all your clothing. But then, one day in the middle of the afternoon, when I should be at work, but was home because of a 1/2 day, I saw something I had never seen before. Mr. Sebastian kitty jumps into the laundry basket to get ready for a nap! I realized this must be his usual afternoon routine during the week, but since I'm not here but at work, I never see it. However, I do find the evidence of cat hairs all over the clothes when I go to do the wash. Funny kitty! How sneaky!
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Ah, ha, looks like Mr. Sebastian has been 'busted', ha. ha. Mom has solved da mystery of the extra cat hair. You know, we sometimes get on top of da pile of clothes on da washing machine that are waiting to get washed. On top of the dryer is fun too, cause it's still warm from drying clothes.
Mindy & MOe
My sister Pixie enjoys sleeping in the laundry, too!
Clothes in the laundry basket make a super bed! We don't care if they are clean or dirty. They're just comfy :)
Purrs MIckey
The laundry in my house is place outside, so I am not able to sleep there~~
I am admiring you could sleep in that comfy basket!
Hehe, this is too funny! Pumuckl and Chica love to sleep in our closet. Now I have moved my clothes up and have put in a blanket for them :-)
That is one of my favorite beds too!
Sleeping in the laundry is the best!
Kitties certainly know how to find all the cozy spots for napping. It must be nice to be small and curl up wherever you please. :)
Happy Sunday!
We like laundry baskets too. Especially with clean clothes, but we'll take whatever is handy.
We would guess a goat too for yesterday's post. Is it?
No....funny mom! Don't you know that we cats all do this? hee hee
....the trick is to not get caught!....
HA Good kitty!! Of course, I assume that every soft warm surface in the house is his bed (as it is for mine). But laundry is the best!
That's what I love best 'bout "laundry day," too ... a basketful of warm clothes. Yay!
Well da gurlz Delilah & Iris find da laundree baskets to be dere favorite placez to sleeps at night. So I yam not surprized dats Sebastian found a nice haven frum da world.
PS: Tank you fur purrin' fur da momee here. Her backee iz much better. Dat purrin' worksez!
It sure looks like your bed - all warm laundry is...
Sebastian has the right idea. Clothes baskets are always good for a nap. My human found me in one once and he said, "What are you, a basket case?" Oh, he's a card, a real card...
I wonder what Sebastian could do with a load of laundry fresh from the dryer?
Ollie and Rascal do that, too.
Sunny, however, only sleeps in laundry baskets full of CLEAN clothes :-p
Dennis says when the sun hits the laundry basket, it's time to sunbathe on your clothes.
How sweet!
Luf, Us
that looks cozy
sorry it's taken me a while but i wanted to come by and thank you for stopping by and saying goodbye to archi ann and for your kind words.
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