We've been using it for the past couple of days and the cats love the litter. So do us humans. It clumps right away so it's very easy to clean. What we like about the litter is that it is 100% natural, it's made from whole-kernel corn. How cool is that, a litter that is environmentally safe! This makes it very safe for our kitties. And that means it is also flushable, we like that idea! Here is their website. http://www.worldsbestcatlitter.com/ Look what came inside the box! A bag of litter, a mat for the litter box to sit on, and a nice card from Drew.

Sebastian and Yaffa liked the mat right away. They sat on it and wouldn't budge! Hahaha
They also love the litter! Yaffa is picky with litter boxes, she doesn't like the smell of a dirty box. However, this litter reduces litter smells considerably! So that makes Yaffa happy!

We're still looking for a kitty, doggie, bunny or hamster who might want to play Paw-It-Forward with us. (See our last blog posting) It's so much FUN! Don't you want to play with us?
Here are the guidelines for Paw It Forward:
The exchange focuses on doing an act of kindness without expecting anything in return other than that the recipient will, in their turn, pass the kindness along and 'paw it forward' in their own way. This is how it works...I am going to send something to the FIRST blog owner who wants to take part. In turn you will then post about this on your blog, link back to me, then send something to the first person who signs up to play along through your blog. There are no cost restraints, BUT don't go crazy! The little something you send can be something you made, bought, were given or found. No biggie, just a gift that will make the person smile; maybe something unique from where you live? And, remember that kindness does not have to involve money, there are untold ways to help others every single day, everywhere you go- just look around. Please post us a comment letting me know that you want to play!
Oh how exciting that you got mail! And something useful!
That's so cool you get mail like that! I think I'm going to have to try that litter.
We like the litter too.
Oh, mail. I love to get mail. And I like a not-stinky kitty box, now that I have a baby sister to teach a few things to...like use your own box.
We love WBCL!!!
I've tried them all and World's Best Cat Litter really is the World's Best Cat Litter. Awesome odor control. Lasts longer. Safe. Safe. Safe. Cool logo too. BTW: love your blog, keep up the great insights.
we've been using all wheat litter and like it although it doesn't clump all that great. maybe we'll give that stuff a try.
We have been tryin out different nice litters lately. We are gonna try that one next. The wheat one we got now falls apart...
We haven't tried that cat litter!
We love your laser eyes!
Cool litter!! Wish we had it here in Canada. At least not where we live..
Sounds very good. And enviromental friendly! We love that!
I have been thinking about making the switch to WBCL. The feline only vet I work for started using it for his cats and he's been recommending it.
I have been using The World's Best Cat Litter for a LONG, LONG time. I LOVE it and so do my 7 cats. I had been using the wheat litter,(which by the way is also flushable) but I found it to be VERY dusty, so I changed to WBCL and have loved it ever since. Recently, a friend's cat died and she gave me her clumping clay litter - OMG - I had forgotten what an odor that kind of litter emits, so needless to say, I disposed of it and went right back to WBCL. I tell everyone I see who has cats about it. I am being relocated to the middle east and my friend whose cat died, is taking one of mine - when I present her with Lilly, she will also be getting a big bag of WBCL.
In our household, with three cats, nothing else will be used than WBCL. We love it. No bad odors and easy clean up make it the best litter in the world! Our cats took right to it, and we haven't looked back since. Because it lasts so long, it also saves us money.
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