Friday, October 16, 2009

More Farm Photos

Below please find more photos from our vacation to the family farm. We had a lot of questions from our last posting. We were asked how old this farm is. The farm house is over 160 years old, but when my husband's family bought the property 4 years ago, it was in bad shape. My husband's daddy gutted the farm house and renovated it. So the most of the framing and some of the foundation is original but everything else in the house have been renovated to meet modern standards. However, they are keeping the design style of the house. It's going to remain country in style. Another question we received was if Grace, the horse likes cats. There is a farm cat on the property, her name is Mincoda. Mincoda likes to hang out in the barn to catch mice and keep Grace company. Grace doesn't mind Mincoda being around her. They are friends.

What's neat about the town is that they have a lot of neighbors who are Amish. Check out the road sign we saw on our drive up to the farm.

We also saw these big birds! Ducks!!!!! On the farm, they raise many animals, among them are ducks. These are all female ducks, that sometimes lay eggs. What's neat about these ducks is that they don't Quack! Imagine, a duck that doesn't Quack! Aren't they cute?


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Tank woo fur sharing some of the bakhkground!

Now, to share the dukhks (and your snow)!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

How very cool... Now those ducks look pretty tasty!

Team Tabby said...

That is a very interesting place you live.....we got a kick out of the quackless 'quackers'

Mindy, Moe, Bono, Cookie & Mike

Ivan from WMD said...

And look at that corn! Looks like a very fun place to play hide and go seek!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Beware the Beins who shot holes in the sign...

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

What a beautiful farm and peaceful area! Amish country, how great! I'd love to see those carriages...



Anonymous said...

Yeah, they're Muscovy ducks, and they hiss instead of quacking. They don't hiss for the same reason we cats hiss, though!

Parker said...

I'd love to meet those ducks!

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