This month, dad bean and I had our 1 year anniversary and to celebrate we made a very tasty seafood dinner. We decided to save money and cook at home and enjoy making a scrumptious meal. Look at what we ate!

The cats were circling us when they saw these.

We made our own sushi rolls. These were eel avocado rolls and oyster avocado rolls.

Everything was so delicious!
Really? Has it already been a year? Well I guess you'd know. I remember when you said you were going away for your wedding and it doesn't seem like that long ago. Well, Happy Anniversary!
Happy GotchaVersary!
Mom and I would have been cirkhling too!
Happy Anniversary! How fun that you made your own sushi rolls!
Congrats to the beans!!!!!
That is an awesome way to celebrate, it looks like a meal to rival any from a restaurant!
That looks fabulous! Making sushi rolls sounds hard.
Happy anniversary. I certainly hope you shared some of that tasty food with the kitties.
Mom says all that looks yummy, and I think so too!
Oooh, and congrats on your anniversary!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!!! Bet you had a better time celebrating at home!! The kitties must have loved it too :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
please tell us there was at least cocktail sauce! LOL!
The Big Thing
I don't blame the cats for circling you with this feast set out before them. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY and Congratulations.
Mom and I think your anniversary supper looks scrumptious!!
Wowza...if us cats ever get married, we want a feast like this!
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