Dante is such a curious kitty. He investigates everything. Our landlord gave us roses from her garden and Dante was quick to smell the flowers. He loves plants and so he wanted to see what this was all about. I have to watch him though because he loves to chew on things too, and I didn't want him to chew on the flowers. I tried to get a good photo of him with the flowers but he kept turning his head. So this was the best I could do.
Those are really pretty flowers! Thank you to the landlord and to you for sharing!
We all check out annything that comes inna the house too.
The roses are beautiful!! Bet they smell so nice too!
those are nice looking roses and being curious is a great trait for anyone. good job dante.
I love to stop and smell the roses too! You go Dante!
Those are some beautiful roses! Just keep that camera ready to get a good photo!
Furry pretty!
Mom isn't usually one fur roses but they are furry pretty!
Tank woo fur sharing!
Those roses look very good against your furs, Dante.
We chew on plants and dats why the mom says she doesnt has any no more. We like the taste what can we say?
Those are nice flowers. We don't have any flowers or plants of any kind except cat grass because of Zoe.
I love the smell of roses and occassionally the taste. What a nice landlord you have.
Gorgeous flowers!
Good job snoopervising the incoming flowers for any thing that might be suspicious, Dante!
Pretty flowers. My brother would chew them too.
The back of Dante's head is very nice too!
Huffle Mawson
Oooh. I love flowers too!
From Dante's point of view, the flowers were more important than the photos. He does some quite intent on them.
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