Sunday, June 14, 2009

A funny word verification

I was commenting on a blog the other day, and this is the word verification that came up. I thought it was pretty funny! Usually the word verification are a jumble of letters but not this time!


Reese =^..^= said...

I think there have been a lot of funny ones lately! That's a good one.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We noticed that too lately that word verification makes words a lot of the time. W V on this comment should have swapped the N for an I. It says

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I've gotten some good ones too -

I've also gotten ones that were almost impossible to read!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

I've gotten a lot of almost words and silly things. I think I got Poot once...

Boy n Beethoven said...

hahaa....what were you twying to comment about!


The Devil Dog said...

Mom has seen a couple of really funny ones as well. But she thinks that one takes the cake.


Ingrid said...

I noticed that they use now words. Once even "Gatina" with one t ! I also had some funny words lately, lol !
Now I have "piersugg" ???

Christine and FAZ said...

I got one the other day that was


we thought that was pretty funny to.


JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

We have seen some funny ones too!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Ha! Ha! That is funny! We have seen a lot of those that were almost words. Mom calls it the ghost in the machine!!

Shilgiah the Cat said...

That is pretty funny!

Mickey's Musings said...

We have noticed that real words are often appearing too!! That one is funny ;)
Today's letters are " ormanc"
We also liked Yaffa'a pose :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Once inna while, we see one that is a real werd, but thats a very funny one!

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