Friday, March 10, 2006

I can fit you in my pocket.

Sebastian is a kitty with such big personality. I wish he was small enough to carry around in my pocket, so he can be with me all day. Kyle and I were being silly one day. I had given him this tiny kitty toy, and we were pretending that kittys were this small. Then I could truly fit kitty in my pocket. But nah, that wouldn't be fun, because then I couldn't cuddle with them.

Don't forget to visit the Friday Ark # 77.
And this week's carnival is hosted by Justin's random thoughts


Lynn said...

Still, a "pocket pet" would be kinda neat... :)

Shaggy and Scout said...

Until your pocket fills up with pocket poopie!

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Kitty cuddles are the best.

Anonymous said...

What about a purse? Missy the Kitten goes out in NYC in a backpack or inside a large tote.

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