Look at Sebastian's belly. How can you not want to rub that belly? I love the way he sleeps. He's so comfortable with himself. Speaking of bellies, cousin Minna the farm cat has been licking her belly so much that her fur is falling off and now her belly is all bare with no fur. Does anyone know what might be the cause of this? Or does anyone know if there are any pet / cat ointments out there that can prevent her from wanting to lick her belly? It must be irritating her because she won't stop licking the same area. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks!
Saturday Sharing
1 hour ago
It could be an allergy casuing her to lick herself.
Yes, I would love to tickle that belly
I think there are many belleh rubs coming his way!
Aw, what a cute belly Sebastian has!!
Like Angel and Kirby said, it could be an allergy that's causing this or some other skin irritation. You may want to have her checked by a vet.
I found so many suggestions about this (some of which were really silly) that the only real answer is have the vet examine her. First to rule out fleas or worms, second to look for rashes, third to look for small injuries from other cats. If not those, the vet will probably want to check for allergies.
After that, it could be psychological. Make sure to tell the vet you are away days at a time. Separation anxiety can become very severe in some pets. Some just become neurotic or obsessed!
Hope it is resolved easily...
The Big Thing
If it is not an allergy (something only a vet can say), it could be that Minna is stressed out about something. Did something change in her life, or trouble her humans, around the time she started doing this?
Very cute, Sebastian.
Many cats do over-groom due to stress, but it can be fleas or an allergy. Probably best to get the vet to take a look. Sometimes, when you put stuff, it just makes it worse as they then lick that too! One person we know used baby "onesies" on hr cat!
Mommy wants to dive in with both hands!
We agree, have a vet check out Minna's tummy.
How did my Scooter get to your house?
Sadly, my Sweetpea started overgrooming about a month ago due to stress - I have been making major changes to *her* apartment and she became stressed.
It is important to rule out allergies or inflammmation when a cat overgrooms, though. So, time to get 'er in the carrier and take her to the dreaded vet!
I am trying an e-collar on mine as well as Feliway. It appears to be working as she is getting some regrowth.
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