On the farm, they raise a lot of chickens. They stay in a coop inside the barn at night, but in the day, they are free-range. They are free to travel anywhere on the farm, which they love to do. They love to forage for food and find grubs and other treats.
The farm also just got in 35 new chicks. My father-in-law told me that with their first group of chickens, they taught them to come in to eat when they said "Here Chick, Chick, Chick". The chickens associated that call with food. So cool! Hopefully these baby chicks will learn that too. It gets cold on the farm, so they have this heat lamp to keep the chicks warm.
Aren't these baby brown chicks just adorable. I just want to pick one up and hug it! I can't remember what breed they are, but they are prolific egg layers when they are full-grown.
These white chickens are being raised as "meat chickens", but "shhhhh!" don't tell them that. Gulp!
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3 hours ago
Those meat chickens look yummy! (But don't tell them that.)
It's always good to meet you food!
Chickens are interesting animals. Do they get a lot of eggs?
Mom's alwasy wanted a chicken coop for fresh eggs! Chicks are adorable!
those little treats look delishus.
Those chicks and chickens are cute. I wonder if they would like to be my friends?
Um, could we visit there ALONE fer just a FEW minnuts?
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