Moles like to dig holes, so dad bean grabbed a bucket and scooped it up and carried it over to the woods behind our property and released the little guy. Dad bean said, "we don't want this little bugger digging up holes all over the property." Dante kitty was watching us from the window. He was giving dad bean this face, "can I have it please, daddy?" No Dante, he's going back to the woods. Awww, shucks!

Woa! I don't think we've ever seen a mole--just the mole holes!
OMC! We have never seen a big mole before. Mom killed some baby moles by accident a while ago, and that made us sad. We had never seen baby moles before either
Here is the link: http://jbsbigworld.blogspot.com/2008/06/holy-moley-what-sad-story.html
Good thing you were able to get the mole out of your yard. They can really tear a yard up. I'm sure Dante wanted to "help" you.
eek! i's never seed a mole before. it looks a little bit scary, but also a little bit delishus and fun to play wif...
Oh, he's so small. For some reason we were thinking they are larger. Glad you caught it while you still have a lawn. But what about relatives?
Aw, too bad your human took the mole out to the woods. It would have made a nice snack!
I would have had to threatened my hubby. He wouldn't have wanted to release it. But, I make him.
He shakes his head when I make the cats leave the mice alone......
So that's what a mole is! I have never seen one before, just lotsa mousies!
We are lucky cuz we get ta catch an eat those moles! TBT actally encourages us. He says "Free Food"...
I think it's wicked cool that he let the mole go...most people woulda killed it...
Cool! I've never seen a mole before.
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