The other day, I had to go into Manhattan for a client meeting. On my way back, I hopped on the ferry. It was such a nice day, I sat in the back of the Ferry so I could get the breeze and sun. I then noticed something hopping around the back loading deck. Can you see the hitch hiker??

Here's a closeup! This pigeon got on with us in Manhattan and rode the ferry all the way to Staten Island! Hahahahahahahhahaa! I guess he didn't want to fly to the island. Smart lazy city bird.
Is that what it's come to? Pigeons taking the ferry instead of flying? We'll have to see whether other birds follow his example...
Hmm... Whenever we have cruised and you see birds on the ship, you wonder what they do way out there and if they have to wait until we get to port. I do not think your pigeon has the same issue as it's pretty close!
Too cute. Very smart birdie.
Very city savvy bird
Haha! That's one smart pigeon!
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