Sunday, May 07, 2006

Hey You, Stop taking pictures of us.

I love it when I catch the kitties doing something super cute. It's pretty often when that happens, and of course, I have to take out the camera to capture the adorable moment. Here is Sebastian and Yaffa, hugging each other as they nap. But, they noticed I was taking a picture, so they turned to give me a dirty look for waking them up. Look at Yaffa's face, she looks like she was to clock me. I can't help it though, they are so cute!!

Catch this week's carnival at Pages Turned.


Just Ducky said...

Do not disturb sleeping kitties.

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Oh, my but aren't they cute. OUr Mom always has the flashy thing handy!

Ayla said...

What is it with you humans and your flashie thingies? The Mom is always waking me up from a perfectly good nap with hers. Let the poor kitties sleep!

Kukka-Maria said...

They are A-DOR-A-BLE!

The Fluffy Tribe said...

That's so cute ~Merlin, Shadow, ko ko

Anonymous said...

Cute :-)

The Wonder Kittens said...

You two looks so cute!

Anonymous said...

How can anyone stop taking photographs of such cute kitties.

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