When we received our first water bill from the city we were shocked to find out that for 6 months, it cost us $600! Most of the water bill was the sewer part, but it got us thinking that we should do more to conserve water. So.... we bought a rain barrel. The rain barrel catches the run off water from the gutters off the roof. We use rain to water the plants! So far, it has rained twice and we have collected 80 gallons of water! Woot, woot! Not only do we feel great about saving money, we also feel awesome about conserving water! So much that we are buying a 2nd rain barrel!
Here is a recent photo of the garden. On the left are the green beans. Then the next two rows are the potato plants. We are growing red potatoes, white potatoes and Yukon gold. Yummy!
Tama-Chan Tuesday
2 hours ago
this is extra cool! my mommeh has been thinking about a rain barrel but has not maked up her mind yet. i will show her this post.
You guys will are running a regular commune now, pretty soon you will be generating your own electricity too ;) Kudos to you earth dwellers!!
Are the kittehs getting in on all the conserving too???
That's wonderful that you use a rain barrel to conserve water and help out with that water bill!!
We wishes we could give you some of our water. We are getting too much rain.
Our water bill is more than yours - and we live in southern California, where we almost never have rain to collect. So we're kind of stuck.
That is a good rain barrel. It looks like it is covered. Our Grand mother had one that was just an open top barrel and it hatched a lot of misquotes! You might check at the garden center and see it they have something to prevent this but keep the water safe to use. Mom heard that 'blueing' was good. It is an old fashion laundry produce.
That is very cool. We have considered doing that but it is not on the table just this year yet... of course the way it's been raining-who needs to save it?!
That is furry interesting. We wish we could do something like this! Great garden!
What a great idea! We gotta tell our mom about this!
I need both of those things. Way to go! Seriously you inspire me.
I might be a little late for this post but I just like to share my thoughts about this post. We need to all do our part to conserve water. Engaging yourselves in an environmental awareness activity is really an act that should be shared with others. It is a good deed indeed for many of us inhabitants of the planet earth. I hope lots of people will mirror this act and also share it to youngsters.
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