Monday, February 28, 2011

Blogger is taunting me

You know how my last post talked about how we have a mouse in the house.  We'll check out what I got as a word verification when I was posting a comment today.  Sheesh, now I have mice in my blogs!

Friday, February 25, 2011

I'm horrified!

I saw Sebastian hanging out by the kitchen cabinets all day, and had no idea what he was doing.  Until I went to cook lunch, and pulled out some cookware out of the cabinet.  That's when I noticed it.  There were mice poop in my cookware!  Ahhhhhhh!  I have a mouse in the house!  Sebastian must have smelt the little rodent because he would not move from the cabinet area.  Everytime I walked into the kitchen, I kept saying to him, "Did you catch the little mousie yet Sebastian?"  Oh man, I hope he catches it.  I hate hate hate mice!  They scare me.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Gift from the Farmer

My husband's dad, the Farmer, sent us a package in the mail earlier this week.  I squealed when I saw it!  I've been totally drooling over seedling heating mats, but have not wanted to actually buy one since they can be a bit pricey.  This one can fit 4 large flats on it.  It also works great, within a few days, I noticed the celery started to germinate.  Woot Woot!

The first day that we plugged it in, the following morning I found this little guy hanging out on top of the heat mat.  Smart kitty!  I bet his belly is nice and toasty.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

All Boxed Up

Little Dante that rascal, loves to jump in boxes.  Okay, he's ready to be shipped out.  Who wants him?  :)

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Don't ya just wanna scratch that belly?

Look at Sebastian's belly.  How can you not want to rub that belly?  I love the way he sleeps.  He's so comfortable with himself.  Speaking of bellies, cousin Minna the farm cat has been licking her belly so much that her fur is falling off and now her belly is all bare with no fur.  Does anyone know what might be the cause of this?  Or does anyone know if there are any pet / cat ointments out there that can prevent her from wanting to lick her belly?  It must be irritating her because she won't stop licking the same area.  Any advice would be helpful.  Thanks!
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