Last month, when I was home at grandma and grandpa's house, I helped groom cousin Nikki, the Golden Retriever. We never had dogs before and only have short haired cats, so I was completely surprised to see how much fur was on the brush. G-ma said it was because Nikki was shedding her winter fur and she's been following her around the house with a vacuum cleaner, because chunks of fur would be everywhere! I thought it was so amazing.

So much floof! It's like a little hamster!!

Oh for goodness sake, that's a lot of extra floof! Yikes.
Oh yes! That looks so very familiar! Monty dog here is part Golden Retriever and part Samoyed!
Wow! Is there any left on Nikki???
You should have a couple of dogs in the house! Floof an' poof ebbey-wheres☺
Momma says dat 'beans should look on there brush ebby-day before they complain 'bout the guys in the house wif paws.☺
you can build another dog with all that fur.
My mom khalls mine Siberian Starter Kits...
Khan I interest woo in any?
Oh my! You have a second dog don't you?
Holy cow! that's a lot of fur!! Looks very familiar to us as we are two Golden Retrievers! In the summertime we get shaved so mom doesnt have to chase us with the vaccuum! BOL!
We are new to your blog but really like it here! We hope we can be new friends with you. maybe you can stop by and visit us sometime, we will be back to see you soon for sure!
Wags and woofs,
Benson and Gibson, Sasha & Theodore
OMG! You could make a sweater out of all that floof!
That's a lot of floof. But I can totally relate.
Whoa, that's like a small cat! What a floofy woofie!
Kate grew up with Golden Retrievers (I mean, she wasn't raised by them, but there was always at least one in the family). She remembers being able to just pull handfuls of floof from them, and finding floofballs around the yard like snow.
Ohmygosh! That´s a LOT of hair! Just from ONE dog? I´m impressed!
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