Sebastian sure finds some strange places to sit and relax. Look where we found him sitting one day. I guess he finds it comforting up there. This cat has so much character! He always puts a smile on my face.
Novice urban gardener & beekeeper documenting my adventures in gardening in NYC. I garden by trial & error. My goal is to grow my own organic food, recycle & conserve.
I would love to do a seed exchange or plant exchange with other New Yorkers. Contact me if you are interested.
maybe he's the toll boof operator! :-)
Sebastian looks furry happy!
Maybe he's waitin to pounce Yaffa! I pounce Bonnie, but she's a grumpy hissy girl, not momma kitty material.
Ariel loves to do this then she pounces on my back.He's a cutie :)
It is better than lying in the litter box, like Mittens does!!
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